Goal and procedure
The goal with this raid is to be able to clear Toc fast, without any complications. We will use the item-booking system in order to make the looting as fair as possible. This means items are only rolled between those players who have booked it, and items which haven't been booked can be rolled by anyone. For those items, mainspecc is prioritized.
We claim the right to take in whoever we want in the raid, depending on gear, if we have played with them before, guildies etc, which means this is not necessarily first come - first served application but rather the best players have dibs. However, once you are signed on the list (in the first post) we will not replace you with anyone else. We will continuously update the first post, but will at latest have updated who will be joining the raid the night before.
Everybody is required to have fixed flasks, enchants, buying regs and other personal errands before the raid. Every raid member is responsible for getting to Toc on their own, so do NOT wait for a summon. You are also expected to have reasonable experience of toc and the fights, and if you don't know the fights - you won't get an invite.
We assume that you will be online atleast ten minutes before the raid, in order to fix invites.
If someone is not online, or can't make it to toc in time you will be replaced and not prioritized the next time. We also reserve the right to kick anyone who doesn't live up to the given requirements, or people who goes afk without saying something beforehand.
Please apply in the following form as a reply:
Name - Link to the armory
Role, class - [ item]Booked item[/item]
Lanaiya, http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... &n=Lanaiya
Druid, healer -