Character Name:
Level and Class:
80, Restoration/Enhancement Shaman
Preferred Talent Specification:
Restoration (0/13/58)
Armory Link: ... n=M%C3%B3d
Purpose of joining (social or raiding):
My most important reason to join a guild is the social aspect. I can't imagine a raid late in the evening without a comfortable atmosphere. A cool atmosphere and people who can count on each other are required for a good and succesful raid. So in my point of view: A social guild of people who use to play together and appear at raiding times, will lead to a succesfull raiding time.
What is your /played time and achievement points on your main character and any significant alts or previous main characters (please give the names and server of any significant alts or previous mains as well)?
I've played 10 days, 17 hours and 1 minute with my Shaman Mód. He has 1800 achivment points. He became my main approximately 3 months ago. I'm not into achivments like other ppl, for example love is in the air achievements etc.
My previous main was Årgus, a Deathknight tank. I played with him 28 days. 23hours, 13minutes. She has 2270 achievement points.
Here the Armory link: ... %C3%85rgus
My alts are:
Bírch (resto druid, Level 80 (11/0/60)
Mõd (Pre-wotlk main, Hunter, Level 76, playing time: 63 days, 2 hours)
Yâng (Warlock, Level 58)
Clóver (Mage, Level 30)
I have every Profession. Leatherworking, Tailoring and Engeneering aren't yet above 400
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
My name is Tomislav Milobar, I was born in Croatia and I live in germany. I'm 19 years old and finished school 3 months ago. I'm searching a job as a lab assistant and spend my free time with my girlfriend and friends, but I also spend a lot of time in WoW. I work 3 times a week as a waiter in a restaurant till 19.00 o'clock. I'm able to communicate with other people over vent or chat in english, german and croatian. I started to play WoW when I was 16 and played on german and english server aswell. My previous guilds were: Insanity, Mithird and Liberate.
Please tell us about your raiding experience (pre-TBC, TBC and WotLK), if you didn't raid then please tell us about any other gaming experiences, be it WoW or other games:
I have gaiming experience with Warcraft 3 TFT, various ego-shooter (for example Death Space, COD, CS) and various playstation 2 games. I have pre-TBC raid experience with my Hunter, pre-WOTLK experience with my hunter in SS and The Eye and WOTLK raid experience with my Shaman and Deathknight till Sindragosa ICC10man and Deathbringer Saurfang ICC25man. I'm used to raid during the week from 19.00 o'clock till 23.00 o'clock, and raid-off at fridays and saturdays.
Please tell us what you look for in a guild and what made you decide to apply to The Family Legion:
I've been in various no-name guilds who got disbanded, even though i tried to help leading them. I was in very good guilds as well but i had no chance to get into a core grp or raid regular. I would like to join a guild who's been raiding for a quite long time and has it core members and memebers who can raid regular in alt grps for example. I'm looking for these raiding aspects in your guild and the social aspect which are required and hope to find them
If you were in any other guild/guilds before applying to us, why did you leave?
Guilds I joined got most of the times disbanded because the guild leaders weren't able to gather enough ppl to raid at all. You are probably interested why I left Mithrid, but unfortunately I don't want to tell any details. It had personal reasons with one Mmeber.
What is your view on progress raiding, raiding for achievements and raiding old content?
As I mentioned earlier I'm not interested in the old content anymore, I raided most of them with my Hunter and need a change. I'm up for raiding achievements like Glory of the.... raider, or Glory of the hero because they are a challange I want to master.
We are mainly a swedish guild, a few exceptions though. This means the language used in guildchat and ventrilo tends to be swedish. Ofcourse we all know and can speak english, but question is would it be a problem for you with a large part of conversations being in swedish:
Please give any further information which you may be of interest to us and may support your application: