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Posted: 03 Jul 2013 23:48
by claude000
Character Name: ariha
Level and Class: MOnk Lv 90
Preferred Talent Specification: healing roles
Armory Link: ... hia/simple
Purpose of joining (social or raiding): raiding

What is your /played time and achievement points on your main character and any significant alts or previous main characters (please give the names and server of any significant alts or previous mains as well)?
i have 216 days on my first pg . a holy priest
and 26 days on my monk with a total of 10k achievement points

Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
my name is francesco and i'm 28, italian, and a young architect with the passion of playing wow when i have time off which is usually during the evening - i'm a very easygoing person with a great sense of humour very mature and patient .

Please tell us about your raiding experience (pre-TBC, TBC and WotLK), if you didn't raid then please tell us about any other gaming experiences, be it WoW or other games:

i started playing wow at the end of vanilla i have a mixed experience in all the raid - HM as well you can check that on my armory profile - i did most of the raids with my first pg Eoween ( on nemesis server ) an holy priest - i also played HardCore during cataclysm by doing DragonSoul 8/8 HM prenerf but it really took away lots of my free time and decided that i cant do that anymore ( i do have a life and a job to take care ) i still keep the title "hand of adal" on, which i really love - i think was one of the most beautiful time of the game - tbc

Please tell us what you look for in a guild and what made you decide to apply to The Family Legion:
i ve been searching for a new guild and when i came to your website and from what i read i think you fit all my requirements and this is why i decided to apply

If you were in any other guild/guilds before applying to us, why did you leave?

i joined a very strong guild last year ( massive dynamic) - on crushridge server first and then moved to nemesis - i played with them Hard core but i couldnt keep up with my job anymore and when i decided to slow down a bit my guild decided to put me on a side since they could not count of me anymore and this is why i decided to leave

What is your view on progress raiding, raiding for achievements and raiding old content?
my view is just the same for everything .. i have fun raiding old contents doing progress or doing achievements, progress will take a bit more time :-)

We are not a hardcore guild. Which means we do not have as strict attendance requirements and sets IRL stuff first. However this leads to a bigger raid group. Ideally we want a raid group of about 15 people, which means sometimes people have to sit out. To make this fair we have a rotation system based on attendance. A more detailed explanation of the system can be found here. Is a signup system like this acceptable by you?

i completely agree and i accept i think is right .

We are mainly a swedish guild, a few exceptions though. This means the language used in guildchat and ventrilo tends to be swedish. Ofcourse we all know and can speak english, but question is would it be a problem for you with a large part of conversations being in swedish:

no i dont really mind . i love different coltures and learning new languages :-)

Please give any further information which you may be of interest to us and may support your application:

i am a good player - i am good on healing and i wont disappoint you ( should be enough :-) )

thank you for your time and consideration
hope to hear from you soon



Posted: 04 Jul 2013 10:59
by Bertus
Thank you for your apply. It has been moved to officer forum for discussion.



Posted: 06 Jul 2013 23:29
by Bertus
Hi again,

After some discussion we have decided to not grant you any trial. The main reason is that we want to give the monk that has leveled to 90 for us a fair chance to show want he goes for.

Best of luck in your future guild search.