[NEKAD] 573 boomkin druid applying for a new family.
Posted: 25 May 2014 18:13
Character Name: Jonasty
Irl Name: ( I decided to add this): Jonas Christensen
From: Denmark, as I see you're a Swedish guild, but spoke to Varah about the stuffs and he said to me you got a few norweigan people so I might have a chance.
Level and Class:Level 90 Night elf druid, changing to Worgen soon for the crit buff.
Preferred Talent Specification: Boomy, because I find the spec challenging and even though you can play the spec to the limits, theres always a new way to improve that spec.
Armory Link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/g ... sty/simple
Purpose of joining (social or raiding): I'm joining to raid, actually because Fracture recently stopped raiding when we reached paragons on heroic...
What is your /played time on your main character and any significant alts or previous main characters (please give the names and server of any significant alts or previous mains as well)?Time played on my lovely druid is 17 days, and around 14-15, days level 90. So its a quite new characther, created in MoP.
Why did you choose to play the spec and the class you currently playing?Would you consider to play another class or spec if we feel this is better for the guild of the time being? I've decided to pick boomkin, as I was playing guardian in previous two expansions. I then decided to go boomy as I had no fun tanking anymore, I did not find the spec fun, and of coures you have to find you're class fun to play, otherwise you can't improve you're best. Thats just my idea. I've then decided boomy because its a very strong talent nowadays and I love to see those epic crits hehe, and I really like the way they're played, its not like you can just say well im good at boomy, one thing is being cool at the rotation, another thing is knowing how to dot, having you're cast secrensences for starsurge ect, as you realkly want that spell whatever happens! You need to focus getting that spell casted, I love challenge, and very well indeed boomy is a challenge. And i find it very nice
:Please tell us a little bit about yourselfHello Family! My name is Jonas, and I am from Denmark. In my spare time I live with my girlfriend, ( those womans....) She dosen't like that I am playing alot..
And I checked some of youre raiding days, and they do actually look fairly good for my personality, and social day. I'm 19 years old, and in my spare time I have football practice aswell, and sometimes matches in the weeks, but usually its Saturday from morning till around max 13:00 CET. Im a very happy person, and I find raiding 99% strict, last 1%? I'd say, have fun when break is starting. I'm the kind of person that loves to talk... sorry but yeah, I love to talk. Bring up new ideas that can help the whole team, even myself in some situations.
Please tell us about your raiding experience , if you don't have any raid experience please tell us about any other gaming experiences, be it WoW or other games?
Vanilla experience: I didn't raid during Vanilla, but I did all the raids when I was level 80 during WoTlk as I wanted to discover what wow had been the years before I've started playing.
TBC experience: When I've started playing TBC I was just a young kid, that didn't know what he was doing, So I did not raid there either. I've been in some of the raids to have some fun with my boomkin, but mainly just for mounts and transmogs really.
WoTlk experience: In WoTlk I did Trial of The Grand Crusader 10man clear once, on my previous account a level 85 paladin was what I managed to get, the account was unfortutanly banned for botting, we've all tried it I guess... I learned from my fouls ofc, I
I've cleared 11/12 heroic Icecrown Citadel 10man, and then managed to do Lich king during Cataclysm nothing to be proud of, but he died after all.
Cataclysm experience: Ive managed to do Blackwing Decent 5/6, killed Neferian in next expansion aswell, due to some transmog and mount runs so, after that I did Bastion of Twillight / BOT, did full normal clear, never managed to do anything on heroic sadly enough. Firelands I've cleared 8/8 heroic, i joined a very nice guild and raided with them till the release of Mist of Pandaria then I kinda took, I did not really raid in Dragon Soul due to girlfriend issues, and I took a holiday with school in 1½ year study travelling to find myself, as I had some irl problems. Nothing I will put in this application unfortutanly sorry, but I guess thats alright.
Mists of Pandaria experience: Well as Mist of Pandaria released I was with a fairly underexperieced guild to be fair, after a few months we managed to clear full MSV, normal, its with my shaman though, will do a link below after im done with this part, after MSV I managed to 6/6 bosses with my shaman aswell, never really did those old raids with my druid, as I've geared up trough timeless isle as its a fairly new dinged 90 characther, payed all my time on him in TBC/Cata/and WoTlk, so... But back to business, anyway I've managed to go trough HOF aswell, 6/6 as I mentioned, I've tried to clear some of Terrace, but never really got any further then 2/4 bosses on normal, then I did clear the last 2 bosses on normal further ahead when we got better gear, more raids came up.
Throne of Thunder: I've managed to do 10/12 heroic with my previous guild on Dragonblight Ascended, I've never really did Ra'Den, only had Lei Shen attempts. I never really got the last two kills which im a bit sad of, cause its a very nice fight both of them I have been told, and I know that Lei Shen is, I tried to pug Throne of Thunder heroic in Siege of orgrimmar expansion but only made it till Lei Shen many of times unfortutanly, it sucks...
Siege of Orgrimmar:I cleared 14/14 fairly fast, in the first three weeks. I got my ahead of curve, after that I was just being offline, had a small holiday due to some problems just had to get some time off my computer, when I then came bk I started doing heroic, I've managed to bring down 12/14 bosses because Fracture stopped raiding quite a while after as mentioned in top of the topic, I dont regret that I did it because I just didn't find it fun to be there anymore as I have mentioned in the quarter " previous guilds " I have watched vids for everything, from 12/14 till 14/14, and I find the fights kinda nice, some of them with huge challenge, except Siegecrafter, hes more of a tank'n have fun fight I assume,
Please tell us what you look for in a guild and what made you decide to apply to The Family Legion: I am looking for a guild that can be my "ingame family" and the name lives up to its destiny I suppose. I am actually looking for a smoothly raiding guild, not a hardcore one really. I dont have time to raid 4-5 days a week, maxmimum for me is 3/4 days. 5 days Is way to much when I have a house to clean up, I need to cook. and take care of my girlfriend
If you were in any other guild/guilds before applying to us, why did you leave?
I left Fracture recently due to they were taking a break till Wod, and then considering if they will begin again. I couldn't stand in with that, I get they wanted to stop cause we have been raiding the whole expansion from week one, and till 12/14 heroic. And up till paragons 8% left, 7/9 NPC's down
What is your view on progress raiding, raiding for achievements and raiding old content? To be honestly I like old-school raiding, like ToT, Naxx, Dragon Soul, and stuffs like that for mount achivements, or just to have a chill evening with some of the guildies and have some fun in a oldschool raid where you can dance around.
We are not a hardcore guild. Which means we do not have as strict attendance requirements and sets IRL stuff first. However this leads to a bigger raid group. Ideally we want a raid group of about 35 people, which means sometimes people have to sit out. To make this fair we have a rotation system based on attendance. A more detailed explanation of the system can be found here. Is a signup system like this acceptable by you? My attitude: My attitude for the raid is, either if I can't raid, and either if I can raid im happy, I allways find progression 100% strict, and when we raid we raid, we dont speak about fun stuff, I mean of course wow has to be fun at some points, but i'd like to keep it out of the raid times, I love to raid as everyone else does of course, but then again I dont mind to pass a spot for another player, not being picked, because after all, I'm not the only person in this game, thats a small reminder we all should have
If you have the possibility to provide a screenshot of your current raid UI and any WoL logs showing your performance, please do so: http:// http://i.imgur.com/Qk75yGg.jpg - I had to go on a dummy sorry, I've was forming a grouyp for a fast garrosh kill for boa's can repost if you want.
WWS/WoL Report (Giving us a full report will raise your chance to get accepted to Dimensional): My last report was from Pieces, but I can't really find it I hope that it's okay... I can do like some pugs and stuffs to try to get a new log if you want me to, but im in deep sorry that I can't link it at the current time.
Please give any further information which you may be of interest to us and may support your application: I do have a few comments, and remarks as we probably all have to do sometimes. I'd really hope this is a cool social atmosphere that I can attend in because that is what I have been searching since like... 5 weeks ago when I left Fracture. But I really hope to have some nice moments with you people's as i've mentioned above, and really looking forward to see what you guys are made of. Even though you should see what I am made of, haha, anyway, I hope you got a good view of my application. Looking forward to hear from ya.
Kindly regards, Jonas!
Irl Name: ( I decided to add this): Jonas Christensen
From: Denmark, as I see you're a Swedish guild, but spoke to Varah about the stuffs and he said to me you got a few norweigan people so I might have a chance.
Level and Class:Level 90 Night elf druid, changing to Worgen soon for the crit buff.
Preferred Talent Specification: Boomy, because I find the spec challenging and even though you can play the spec to the limits, theres always a new way to improve that spec.
Armory Link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/g ... sty/simple
Purpose of joining (social or raiding): I'm joining to raid, actually because Fracture recently stopped raiding when we reached paragons on heroic...
What is your /played time on your main character and any significant alts or previous main characters (please give the names and server of any significant alts or previous mains as well)?Time played on my lovely druid is 17 days, and around 14-15, days level 90. So its a quite new characther, created in MoP.
Why did you choose to play the spec and the class you currently playing?Would you consider to play another class or spec if we feel this is better for the guild of the time being? I've decided to pick boomkin, as I was playing guardian in previous two expansions. I then decided to go boomy as I had no fun tanking anymore, I did not find the spec fun, and of coures you have to find you're class fun to play, otherwise you can't improve you're best. Thats just my idea. I've then decided boomy because its a very strong talent nowadays and I love to see those epic crits hehe, and I really like the way they're played, its not like you can just say well im good at boomy, one thing is being cool at the rotation, another thing is knowing how to dot, having you're cast secrensences for starsurge ect, as you realkly want that spell whatever happens! You need to focus getting that spell casted, I love challenge, and very well indeed boomy is a challenge. And i find it very nice
:Please tell us a little bit about yourselfHello Family! My name is Jonas, and I am from Denmark. In my spare time I live with my girlfriend, ( those womans....) She dosen't like that I am playing alot..
And I checked some of youre raiding days, and they do actually look fairly good for my personality, and social day. I'm 19 years old, and in my spare time I have football practice aswell, and sometimes matches in the weeks, but usually its Saturday from morning till around max 13:00 CET. Im a very happy person, and I find raiding 99% strict, last 1%? I'd say, have fun when break is starting. I'm the kind of person that loves to talk... sorry but yeah, I love to talk. Bring up new ideas that can help the whole team, even myself in some situations.
Please tell us about your raiding experience , if you don't have any raid experience please tell us about any other gaming experiences, be it WoW or other games?
Vanilla experience: I didn't raid during Vanilla, but I did all the raids when I was level 80 during WoTlk as I wanted to discover what wow had been the years before I've started playing.
TBC experience: When I've started playing TBC I was just a young kid, that didn't know what he was doing, So I did not raid there either. I've been in some of the raids to have some fun with my boomkin, but mainly just for mounts and transmogs really.
WoTlk experience: In WoTlk I did Trial of The Grand Crusader 10man clear once, on my previous account a level 85 paladin was what I managed to get, the account was unfortutanly banned for botting, we've all tried it I guess... I learned from my fouls ofc, I
I've cleared 11/12 heroic Icecrown Citadel 10man, and then managed to do Lich king during Cataclysm nothing to be proud of, but he died after all.
Cataclysm experience: Ive managed to do Blackwing Decent 5/6, killed Neferian in next expansion aswell, due to some transmog and mount runs so, after that I did Bastion of Twillight / BOT, did full normal clear, never managed to do anything on heroic sadly enough. Firelands I've cleared 8/8 heroic, i joined a very nice guild and raided with them till the release of Mist of Pandaria then I kinda took, I did not really raid in Dragon Soul due to girlfriend issues, and I took a holiday with school in 1½ year study travelling to find myself, as I had some irl problems. Nothing I will put in this application unfortutanly sorry, but I guess thats alright.
Mists of Pandaria experience: Well as Mist of Pandaria released I was with a fairly underexperieced guild to be fair, after a few months we managed to clear full MSV, normal, its with my shaman though, will do a link below after im done with this part, after MSV I managed to 6/6 bosses with my shaman aswell, never really did those old raids with my druid, as I've geared up trough timeless isle as its a fairly new dinged 90 characther, payed all my time on him in TBC/Cata/and WoTlk, so... But back to business, anyway I've managed to go trough HOF aswell, 6/6 as I mentioned, I've tried to clear some of Terrace, but never really got any further then 2/4 bosses on normal, then I did clear the last 2 bosses on normal further ahead when we got better gear, more raids came up.
Throne of Thunder: I've managed to do 10/12 heroic with my previous guild on Dragonblight Ascended, I've never really did Ra'Den, only had Lei Shen attempts. I never really got the last two kills which im a bit sad of, cause its a very nice fight both of them I have been told, and I know that Lei Shen is, I tried to pug Throne of Thunder heroic in Siege of orgrimmar expansion but only made it till Lei Shen many of times unfortutanly, it sucks...
Siege of Orgrimmar:I cleared 14/14 fairly fast, in the first three weeks. I got my ahead of curve, after that I was just being offline, had a small holiday due to some problems just had to get some time off my computer, when I then came bk I started doing heroic, I've managed to bring down 12/14 bosses because Fracture stopped raiding quite a while after as mentioned in top of the topic, I dont regret that I did it because I just didn't find it fun to be there anymore as I have mentioned in the quarter " previous guilds " I have watched vids for everything, from 12/14 till 14/14, and I find the fights kinda nice, some of them with huge challenge, except Siegecrafter, hes more of a tank'n have fun fight I assume,
Please tell us what you look for in a guild and what made you decide to apply to The Family Legion: I am looking for a guild that can be my "ingame family" and the name lives up to its destiny I suppose. I am actually looking for a smoothly raiding guild, not a hardcore one really. I dont have time to raid 4-5 days a week, maxmimum for me is 3/4 days. 5 days Is way to much when I have a house to clean up, I need to cook. and take care of my girlfriend
If you were in any other guild/guilds before applying to us, why did you leave?
I left Fracture recently due to they were taking a break till Wod, and then considering if they will begin again. I couldn't stand in with that, I get they wanted to stop cause we have been raiding the whole expansion from week one, and till 12/14 heroic. And up till paragons 8% left, 7/9 NPC's down
What is your view on progress raiding, raiding for achievements and raiding old content? To be honestly I like old-school raiding, like ToT, Naxx, Dragon Soul, and stuffs like that for mount achivements, or just to have a chill evening with some of the guildies and have some fun in a oldschool raid where you can dance around.
We are not a hardcore guild. Which means we do not have as strict attendance requirements and sets IRL stuff first. However this leads to a bigger raid group. Ideally we want a raid group of about 35 people, which means sometimes people have to sit out. To make this fair we have a rotation system based on attendance. A more detailed explanation of the system can be found here. Is a signup system like this acceptable by you? My attitude: My attitude for the raid is, either if I can't raid, and either if I can raid im happy, I allways find progression 100% strict, and when we raid we raid, we dont speak about fun stuff, I mean of course wow has to be fun at some points, but i'd like to keep it out of the raid times, I love to raid as everyone else does of course, but then again I dont mind to pass a spot for another player, not being picked, because after all, I'm not the only person in this game, thats a small reminder we all should have
If you have the possibility to provide a screenshot of your current raid UI and any WoL logs showing your performance, please do so: http:// http://i.imgur.com/Qk75yGg.jpg - I had to go on a dummy sorry, I've was forming a grouyp for a fast garrosh kill for boa's can repost if you want.
WWS/WoL Report (Giving us a full report will raise your chance to get accepted to Dimensional): My last report was from Pieces, but I can't really find it I hope that it's okay... I can do like some pugs and stuffs to try to get a new log if you want me to, but im in deep sorry that I can't link it at the current time.
Please give any further information which you may be of interest to us and may support your application: I do have a few comments, and remarks as we probably all have to do sometimes. I'd really hope this is a cool social atmosphere that I can attend in because that is what I have been searching since like... 5 weeks ago when I left Fracture. But I really hope to have some nice moments with you people's as i've mentioned above, and really looking forward to see what you guys are made of. Even though you should see what I am made of, haha, anyway, I hope you got a good view of my application. Looking forward to hear from ya.
Kindly regards, Jonas!