
Want to join our ranks. Tell us a bit about yourself, and you just might be invited.


Post by Kiowa » 19 Nov 2009 10:47

Character Name:Kiowa
Level and Class:80 Paladin
Preferred Talent Specification:Retri
Armory Link: ... nd&n=Kiowa
Purpose of joining (social or raiding):Raiding and ofc being Social=)

What is your /played time and achievement points on your main character and any significant alts or previous main characters (please give the names and server of any significant alts or previous mains as well)? On My Main Kiowa i Have 30 days 2 hours 58 min 30 sec. Made in wotlk. My achievement points are 3490. I Have a 80 Feral Druid aswell That was my Main in Tbc,74 days 9 hours 58 min 15 sec.Was mostly Tank then, But now in wotlk i have been only dps on both Kiowa and Miwa ... and&n=Miwa

Please tell us a little bit about yourself:Im Called Palle 30 years old Swedish Man,Social/Fun.Play wow for fun and love Raiding, Hate Pvp,was some in my irl family that plays/played on this server that why i choice This Server,would gone pve server other wise.I Have my own Computer , can play Earliy days and late nights. dont know more right now to say but you can ask me more info,i Raid with your Toc25 Normal Pugs Thursdays.

Please tell us about your raiding experience (pre-TBC, TBC and WotLK), if you didn't Thraid then please tell us about any other gaming experiences, be it WoW or other games: Pre Tbc I just Had a 41 Lvl rogue but that was when wow came out and i played with 2 other family members on same acc, that ended in i quit,but i was mostly playing Diablo2/Diablo2 L.o.d ,back then ,In Tbc as i wrote before played Feral Druid Tank/dps ,was going to start raid MH,BT in a new guild but ended playing wow for 1 year, irl Problems.So did just raid Kara/Gruul Etc in Tbc.In Wotlk Lvled Druid to 80 first but after awhile i made a couple of alts and then came up to make Kiowa Retri Pala to my main char ,She has done naxx10/25,Ulduar10 i have done 8 bosses and in 25 i have just made 2.Voa10/25 OS10/25 ,and 10 with 3 drakes.have not done Maly, but have done it on My Druid.more kiowa progress is Onyxia10/25,Toc10/25.

Please tell us what you look for in a guild and what made you decide to apply to The Family Legion:I look for a Nice Kind and Good Raiding guild as yours=) have been doing alot pugs with you guys,jave been searching a long time to get a good raiding guild but have had alot of unluck as it seem to come over me alot.So i would like to join The Family Legion cuase i think you are a Nice Guild and look foward to know more about you.

If you were in any other guild/guilds before applying to us, why did you leave?
Have Just been in a few Freinds guild , but was looking for a Real Raiding guild.

We are mainly a swedish guild, a few exceptions though. This means the language used in guildchat and ventrilo tends to be swedish. Ofcourse we all know and can speak english, but question is would it be a problem for you with a large part of conversations being in swedish:It would not be a problem cause im Swedish=)

Please give any further information which you may be of interest to us and may support your application:

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Posts: 235

Re: Apply

Post by guldifvar » 20 Nov 2009 12:32

Im sorry but we can't offer you a trial at this point
