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Huntter Application

Posted: 21 Jan 2010 01:26
by Carlzz
Character Name: Henzai
Level and Class: 80 Hunter
Preferred Talent Specification: 7/57/7 Marksman
Armory Link: ... &cn=Henzai
Purpose of joining (social or raiding): Raiding ofcourse. It has always been my number 1 priotity and will most likely always be.

What is your /played time and achievement points on your main character and any significant alts or previous main characters (please give the names and server of any significant alts or previous mains as well)?: My /played time is 120 days and my achievement score is 4645 (Couldn't care less about achievement points sadly :P). I got a couple of alts, that I mostly do arenas on. Cyclowned (Druid), Deafnajt (DK) and Carlzz (Warrior).

Please tell us a little bit about yourself: So, my name is Joacim Carlsson and I'm 19 years old, from Stockholm. Working atm as a Digital printing host @ a large company. Been playing this game for like 3 years or so and I'm still not tired of it!. I'm a very dedicated player who always does his best and tries to be as good as possible for the raid/guild. Reading forums, talking with fellow hunters about what's best atm is things I do almost everyday and I also consider myself a funny, kind person who most often makes people laugh. Haven't caused any drama or so in the guilds I've been in and I will be as loyal as I can be to the guild even though hard times may hit aka I will be one of the last people to jump off the ship.

Please tell us about your raiding experience (pre-TBC, TBC and WotLK), if you didn't raid then please tell us about any other gaming experiences, be it WoW or other games: Started playing WoW a month or two before TBC came out. Did lvl fast to lvl 70 to join a guild as soon as possible to start raiding with which is my passion about this game. Got into some smaller less serious guilds, but then after a while I got into the guild <Adrastus 3>.

Raided with them from our first Gruul kill up to Kael'thas was downed pre-nerf, then school got fucked because of all the raiding so had to focus on that, so I took a break from the start of MH.

Got back when the guild was on Archi/RoS but by then the guild already got a replacement for me so which made it hard for me to join raids since I had been inactive for about a month. So I started doing PvP and reached above 2.2k on both my Hunter and my Priest. Was PvP'ing until s4 came when all of my PvP friends / irl friends moved server because of its low population and I was there alone, with my guild I couldn't raid with so I thought alot about stopping to play since I couldn't do much in the game anymore and I also thought about doing good in school the year that was about to start. But then I got the chance of starting to raid again when the hunter who earlier replaced me had to focus on his school so the sparkle was once again lit.

This was in about May or so and the guild hadn't announced it's summer break yet. So I started to raid with them and got up to and killed Twins in SWP and then the summer break hit. Alot of it's members couldn't just sit there, waiting for the summer break to end, so they moved to other servers and then again I sat there, and did almost nothing and got my thoughts about stopping to play back.

So I decided to sell the account midsummer to get some cash to buy a new laptop and shit the new school year required. Started studying hardcore when the school started and got my grades up and I also had the possibility to complete some of the classes which meant I had to spend less time in school. With more spare time and less school I had to do something to get the time to pass by, so I once started playing WoW. Started playing on Twillight's Hammer with a couple of friends who migrated here in s4 as mentioned above, and the enthusiasm was back.

Powerlvl'd the hunter I'm currently playing on a few weeks before the release of Lich King and lvl fast through that expansion and got 80 in something like 3-4 days. After alot of HC farming N shit I joined a guild once called GaS (Guilty as Sin) and raided with them and got an amazing world 70 kill on Malygoz!. But then, December last year, I went to Thailand and a couple of other islands around Indonesia for nearly 4 months and got back into the game early April. GaS had no room for me since I was gone for 4 months so then I migrated to Shattered Hand with some other friends.

I made an apply for the guild <Leach>, who were in need of several classes, hunter included. Got invited and earned my membership, aka made the trial period. But I started to feel that the guild wasn't right for me, mainly because alot of it's members were slacky and have a problem with showing up to raids. Meaning I didn't really join the guild to just sit around, waiting every raid day for enough people to show up. And I also don't like the idea of bringing pug people to our raids, which we did several times. They also had a problem with people afk'ing during the few raids we had, and they are also delaying everything in raids. The experience I got from raiding with them included Flame, XT, Razor, Kologran, Auriyaya and Hodir down, and also low percent wipes on Ignis and Freya. After a little while in Leach, I got a trial spot in Ngamers (former Norrlandsguld) and cleared all of Ulduar 25 / 10 including hodir, thorim, freya(+1) and Flame(+1) hardmodes.

Then they got hit by the summerbreaks and alot of people went inactive, which resulted in cancelled raids etc. After a while, they decided to merge with the newly migrated guild <Morality> to get the raids up again, which also meant they had to remove some of the trialists. Sadly I was one of those unlucky people. (Why they removed me and not another hunter was because of the classleader situation. I had made an impression on the former CL Cribbeh / Cribbzter and he also had me on his list of being able to join the new guild, tho the merge made some of Ngamers classleaders to only members, which resulted in that they didn't have anything to say about the situation, so the new CL, whom I'd not play alot with, got the final word, which resulted in that I was the one having to leave and also because of the other hunter in the guild had been there for a longer time and I assume almost had their membership).

Therefore I applied to the guild Order of The Hammer which I'm still in. Been raiding with them alot and have experienced the most shizz pve content could bring (except the last bosses in ICC, only got 6/9 boss kill xp). Did every hardmode in Ulduar which was the thoughest pve shizz blizz could bring @ that time. Did everything up to and including Algalon (Guild first and I was leading it!) and also the normal toc25 man shit. But then I went from an newly dinged student till' a fulltime working maniac and had to stop the hardcore raiding because of those raidtimes. Been slacking as a member in the guild for a while now and I'm tired of not raiding... So therefore I've decided to move on and apply to you guys.

Spoke some with Johanah and got told that you guys raided 2-3 times /week and to like 22:30 or so which fits me alot better than 4-5 /week and to like 2400 or so. A pretty big problem with me tho is that I work in shifts nowadays... That means I can't raid every other week on your wednesday raid you have (or Johanah told me so guess I'd trust him on that) because I start working @ 14:15 and end 22:30. The other week I work from 06:15 to 14:30 so raiding that week full time wont be a problem. And every sunday raid you guys have wont be a problem to attend, so it's 2 raid per month I can't raid cuz of my job.

Please tell us what you look for in a guild and what made you decide to apply to The Family Legion: The main reason is because you are a guild on this server with good progress which I value high, meaning I don't give a shit about loot as long I get to see most of the encounters and also having a good challenge while raiding. You also seem like a friendly guild, atleast from the members i've spoken with, which is a plus aswell. A consistant guild with focused members when it comes to raiding is what I want and expect and I've seen some nice achievements from you guys and that's stuff I value high aswell, not only doing normal shit but doing what random nubs in pugs can't do.

If you were in any other guild/guilds before applying to us, why did you leave?: Replied to in my wall of text, but it's because I can't raid the times OoTH are raiding and I don't just wanna sit there doing nothing on my hunter, if you missed it in the wall.

What is your view on progress raiding, raiding for achievements and raiding old content?: Progress raiding is all I wanna do. Ofc some older shit to gear people up or so but otherwise progress progress progress. Raidachievements is cool aswell, but old content (I put old content in as like tbc or vanilla shit) sux! Or I mean it doesn't suck but there's nothing to gain since I've done most of that shit earlier.

We are mainly a swedish guild, a few exceptions though. This means the language used in guildchat and ventrilo tends to be swedish. Ofcourse we all know and can speak english, but question is would it be a problem for you with a large part of conversations being in swedish: Nä är svensk så ingenfara, bara bra!

If you have any further questions you can just ask me in-game on the char "Henzai", "Deafnajt", "Cyclowned" or "Carlzz", and thanks for reading the wall-of-text, hope it didn't destroy your eyes or w/e!

Re: Huntter Application

Posted: 25 Jan 2010 23:50
by Bertus
Sorry, but we can't offer you a trial atm.