Dogmatica - Restodruid ansökan
Posted: 23 Jan 2012 15:54
Character Name: Dogmatica ( On EU-Silvermoon Atm)
Level and Class: 85 Druid
Preferred Talent Specification: I switch between different speccs depending on fights but the one i use the most is 7/3/31 right now
Armory Link: ... a/advanced
Purpose of joining (social or raiding): Raiding ofc
What is your /played time and achievement points on your main character and any significant alts or previous main characters (please give the names and server of any significant alts or previous mains as well)? I have 73 days played in total on my druid, that´s because I switched mains during ICC from my former main Vrindorin (the maelstrom). The DK has 115 days played. So I a have a somewhat respectable 188 days played in total. I have 6205 achievementpoints on the druid and 5625 on the DK.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Im a 21 year old guy who atm lives with his live in girlfriend at her mothers house in Sösdala(a bit outside of Hässleholm in skåne), together with the family´s 2 dogs and in total 5 cats. Right now I´m a student at Kristianstads Högskola, studying Interactive Sounddesign. Just finished the first semester, and I just got my studentloans back. Screwed myself over by failing an entire semster of Theoretical Philosphy during the spring of 2011(not making that mistake again). In my sparetime i like playing computergames obviously. Listening to music and stuff like that.
Please tell us about your raiding experience (pre-TBC, TBC and WotLK), if you didn't raid then please tell us about any other gaming experiences, be it WoW or other games: I started playing Wow during ToC in WotLK. I would´ve started earlier but my GF before i started kept threatening me to leave me if I started so, hehe.
I started out pretty casual, clearing Toc 25 on normal + 1 hc and clearing Toc 10man up to 3 in HC. During Icc i tranferred my DK to tarren mill and played with a guild there called Awakenings, we got up to a progress of 6/12 hc if I remember correctly. At one point the guild started having internal problems and after 1.5months of hardly being able to put together a raidgroup, me and alot of other people left the guild.
I went to a server called silvermoon where I played with various guilds, most importantly Vanquish ( big on the server at the time, currently disbandoned). We got up to progress of 11/12 heroic, and the trend came back. Vanquish started having problems aswell, this is where I joined a REALLY casual guild named Deviance(where me and a couple IRL friends simply raided for fun, no pressure what so ever). This is also where I started raiding on my Druid. During t11 content we got up to 10/12 normal(missing Nef and Al'akir), then that ugly trend came back so we split up.
At this point in time I transferred to Quel'Thalas, where I joined a guild called Bollklubben (also swedish). We got up to a progress of 6/13 HC (5/13 for my druid, I got in after they already had gotten chimaeron so we focused on BoT-progress and Omnitron + Nef Hc). Silly trend showed its ugly face again and then i went back to Silvermoon, where I went inaktive during t12 content and recently started again, guildless and psyched about raiding again. I´ve puged together 1/8 hc and 6/8 normal. The groups I´ve been in have a really hard time healing debuffs on Spine and I´m sadly not man enough to soloheal 200k on 3 different people at the same time -.-
Please tell us what you look for in a guild and what made you decide to apply to The Family Legion: What I look for in a raidguild is: Mutual respect, steady progress, patience during wipefests(every1 still giving 110% for every pull), constructive critisism and a fun time with the other members during raids and other aspects of the game.
If you were in any other guild/guilds before applying to us, why did you leave? Well mostly it was because of internal problem, some of them (the ones i didnt mention) was just because I felt that I either was just waisting my time and/or being stuck on a easy boss for months on end because some1 couldn´t rap his head around a simple concept.
What is your view on progress raiding, raiding for achievements and raiding old content?
Progressraiding I find is to be taken seriously during raids, bossachievements are a fun thing which can be focused on once you´ve killed an actual progressboss and old content is always fun unless it´s ToGC haha(worst raid ever) (for instance, I created a BwD hc run yesterday, 2012-01-22, focusing on Nef HC. Went well up until Nef himself, our DK-kiter wouldnt stop backpeddling while kiting adds in first phase. People got tired of it and left. I extended the save incase I wanted to create a Nef only-run sometime).
We are mainly a swedish guild, a few exceptions though. This means the language used in guildchat and ventrilo tends to be swedish. Ofcourse we all know and can speak english, but question is would it be a problem for you with a large part of conversations being in swedish: I´m swedish in every way, hehe. Just wrote the application in english because of the fact that the template is in English. So ofc I won´t have a hard time with this.
Please give any further information which you may be of interest to us and may support your application:
Atm my druid is on Silvermoon and I´m waiting for my studentloan-payments to get on my bankaccount so I´ll probably be able to transfer within a weeks time, if not: There will be a waittime I´m afraid =/. Other then that, I´m a funloving easygoing guy, I´m not very hard to get to know and I´m very open about myself
Look forward to your questions, answers. I take questions/statements very seriously on applications(do my best to defend/proove myself) so if I seem offended, I most likely am NOT
So if there´s any questions, simply fire away ^^ I´m also available for Ventril-/Teamspeak-/Mumble/Skype-interviews if you need/want one 
Level and Class: 85 Druid
Preferred Talent Specification: I switch between different speccs depending on fights but the one i use the most is 7/3/31 right now
Armory Link: ... a/advanced
Purpose of joining (social or raiding): Raiding ofc
What is your /played time and achievement points on your main character and any significant alts or previous main characters (please give the names and server of any significant alts or previous mains as well)? I have 73 days played in total on my druid, that´s because I switched mains during ICC from my former main Vrindorin (the maelstrom). The DK has 115 days played. So I a have a somewhat respectable 188 days played in total. I have 6205 achievementpoints on the druid and 5625 on the DK.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Im a 21 year old guy who atm lives with his live in girlfriend at her mothers house in Sösdala(a bit outside of Hässleholm in skåne), together with the family´s 2 dogs and in total 5 cats. Right now I´m a student at Kristianstads Högskola, studying Interactive Sounddesign. Just finished the first semester, and I just got my studentloans back. Screwed myself over by failing an entire semster of Theoretical Philosphy during the spring of 2011(not making that mistake again). In my sparetime i like playing computergames obviously. Listening to music and stuff like that.
Please tell us about your raiding experience (pre-TBC, TBC and WotLK), if you didn't raid then please tell us about any other gaming experiences, be it WoW or other games: I started playing Wow during ToC in WotLK. I would´ve started earlier but my GF before i started kept threatening me to leave me if I started so, hehe.
I started out pretty casual, clearing Toc 25 on normal + 1 hc and clearing Toc 10man up to 3 in HC. During Icc i tranferred my DK to tarren mill and played with a guild there called Awakenings, we got up to a progress of 6/12 hc if I remember correctly. At one point the guild started having internal problems and after 1.5months of hardly being able to put together a raidgroup, me and alot of other people left the guild.
I went to a server called silvermoon where I played with various guilds, most importantly Vanquish ( big on the server at the time, currently disbandoned). We got up to progress of 11/12 heroic, and the trend came back. Vanquish started having problems aswell, this is where I joined a REALLY casual guild named Deviance(where me and a couple IRL friends simply raided for fun, no pressure what so ever). This is also where I started raiding on my Druid. During t11 content we got up to 10/12 normal(missing Nef and Al'akir), then that ugly trend came back so we split up.
At this point in time I transferred to Quel'Thalas, where I joined a guild called Bollklubben (also swedish). We got up to a progress of 6/13 HC (5/13 for my druid, I got in after they already had gotten chimaeron so we focused on BoT-progress and Omnitron + Nef Hc). Silly trend showed its ugly face again and then i went back to Silvermoon, where I went inaktive during t12 content and recently started again, guildless and psyched about raiding again. I´ve puged together 1/8 hc and 6/8 normal. The groups I´ve been in have a really hard time healing debuffs on Spine and I´m sadly not man enough to soloheal 200k on 3 different people at the same time -.-
Please tell us what you look for in a guild and what made you decide to apply to The Family Legion: What I look for in a raidguild is: Mutual respect, steady progress, patience during wipefests(every1 still giving 110% for every pull), constructive critisism and a fun time with the other members during raids and other aspects of the game.
If you were in any other guild/guilds before applying to us, why did you leave? Well mostly it was because of internal problem, some of them (the ones i didnt mention) was just because I felt that I either was just waisting my time and/or being stuck on a easy boss for months on end because some1 couldn´t rap his head around a simple concept.
What is your view on progress raiding, raiding for achievements and raiding old content?
Progressraiding I find is to be taken seriously during raids, bossachievements are a fun thing which can be focused on once you´ve killed an actual progressboss and old content is always fun unless it´s ToGC haha(worst raid ever) (for instance, I created a BwD hc run yesterday, 2012-01-22, focusing on Nef HC. Went well up until Nef himself, our DK-kiter wouldnt stop backpeddling while kiting adds in first phase. People got tired of it and left. I extended the save incase I wanted to create a Nef only-run sometime).
We are mainly a swedish guild, a few exceptions though. This means the language used in guildchat and ventrilo tends to be swedish. Ofcourse we all know and can speak english, but question is would it be a problem for you with a large part of conversations being in swedish: I´m swedish in every way, hehe. Just wrote the application in english because of the fact that the template is in English. So ofc I won´t have a hard time with this.
Please give any further information which you may be of interest to us and may support your application:
Atm my druid is on Silvermoon and I´m waiting for my studentloan-payments to get on my bankaccount so I´ll probably be able to transfer within a weeks time, if not: There will be a waittime I´m afraid =/. Other then that, I´m a funloving easygoing guy, I´m not very hard to get to know and I´m very open about myself