Grisnir application

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Grisnir application

Post by Grisnir » 12 Mar 2012 20:14

Character Name: Grisnir
Level and Class: 85 Warlock
Preferred Talent Specification: Progress specific, but generally Affliction on most DS hc farm bosses.
Armory Link: ... r/advanced
Purpose of joining (social or raiding): Progress raiding

What is your /played time and achievement points on your main character and any significant alts or previous main characters (please give the names and server of any significant alts or previous mains as well)?
I dont play alts, and I haven't used this character for a very long time since I deleted all characters on my account this summer. However ive played Warlock since TBC both in PvP and PvE.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
28 years old WoW veteran that likes Swedish summer, gambling and games.

Please tell us about your raiding experience (pre-TBC, TBC and WotLK), if you didn't raid then please tell us about any other gaming experiences, be it WoW or other games:
I raided pretty much everything since TBC. Periodically softcore/hardcore. At some points I was into PvP but thats all over. I only progress raid in WoW now.

Please tell us what you look for in a guild and what made you decide to apply to The Family Legion:
I look for quality and not quantity. People that can focus and have fun when they play and also clear content without having the best gear possible. I want to make the hard kills and progress fast through content. I dont care much about killing bosses after nerfs or after farming best possible gears for every raid member.

If you were in any other guild/guilds before applying to us, why did you leave?
Since I took up WoW again ive only been playing for progress. I was boosting some lesser players together with Mobbster on Frostmane and I left because it was time to find a solid home comming new expansion. And ofcourse you want some progress experience with your new guildmates before starting a new expansion together. TFL Was well spoken about by my friend seems to be a guild that would fit me perfectly.

What is your view on progress raiding, raiding for achievements and raiding old content?
I mostly enjoy progress raiding. As I said I focus on the hard kills and completing content without the best gearsetups. I like the challenge in WoW and it simple becomes too easy once you get the best possible setup. In my opinion gear is simply a mechanic that helps people progress over time by making the encounters easier and easier from week to week. Im all for raiding old content and achievments when im available but I dont want to be forced into that.

We are mainly a swedish guild, a few exceptions though. This means the language used in guildchat and ventrilo tends to be swedish. Ofcourse we all know and can speak english, but question is would it be a problem for you with a large part of conversations being in swedish: I am 100% Swedish (If there is such thing any more?).

Please give any further information which you may be of interest to us and may support your application:
I am very much into character controlls and mechanics. I dont blindly make a specc because a website tells me to, or reforge in a certain way because a website tells me to. I think, I research and I test.
I also try to optimize my play in every way and try to keep improving even when it seems capped. Im into macros, keybinds and controlls alot. Spells I throw while on the move dont interfer with my movement keys etc, so my keybinds and macros are very well taught out and planned. This is maybe my strongest suite!

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Re: Grisnir application

Post by Bertus » 12 Mar 2012 21:12

Flyttad till officer

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Re: Grisnir application

Post by litenocharg » 12 Mar 2012 21:51

i approve gnomes!
Life is a bitch and so are you

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Re: Grisnir application

Post by Swingaren » 12 Mar 2012 22:00

litenocharg wrote:i approve gnomes!
[22:16] <[Tele2]fluffy> var hittar man subtitles för porrfilmer?

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Re: Grisnir application

Post by Bertus » 13 Mar 2012 19:04

Approved, whisper officer for invite.

Just wanted to inform you that there might be some startup time as ranged. As we already have 4 on 3 slots. The general idea is that the spots will be rotated. I hope mobbster explained this a bit. Otherwise any officer can explain this further.
