Rygaros - Survival Hunter
Posted: 01 Dec 2012 13:18
Name : Rygaros
Age : 32
Location : Sweden
Class/Race : Pandaren Female Hunter
Current Spec : Survival since it have been the strongest specc since the launch of MoP together with BM ''BUT'' BM is better on some fights and if needed to respecc/having it as a secondary specc there wont be any problem doing that. and MM just got a buff in 5.1 patch but i havent been trying it out yet...i have just seen alot of PvP players going back to that spec.
Armory : http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/o ... ros/simple ''ive used 1500 justice points to upgrade my gun to 471ilvl and 1500 valor points to upgrade my T14 legs to 504ilvl but armory somehow doesnt show that...IF I EVER GET A NEW BOW/GUN after 1000000 kills then ill upgrade it aswell cause i have 1500 valor left saved otherwise ill just upgrade another item.
Glyphs/talents : Everything depends on wich bossfight it is, if a change will be needed i dont see any problem doing so.
Stat Priority : hit and exp cap ''7.5%'' gemming agi and agi/crit on red/yellow sockets...on blue sockets im gemming agi/hit IF the setbonus is good otherwise just pure agility.
Previous Raid Experience : Well the thing is like this...i have been playing this game since 2 months after the vanilla release BUT its on an account i gave away to my sisters son cause in cataclysm i needed to quit the game totally after so many years due to a job i got ''wich was 14.00-23.00 and i couldnt raid more then 1 week every month i got quite sad about it but thats how life can change sometimes...3-4 months later my working times got back to normal ''07.00-16.00'' and i just said to myself ''i really want to go to the store and buy the game again and level a new hunter'' so i called a friend and we did it with ''RAF'' i was thinking to take my old account back from my sisters son but since im hes uncle it just wouldnt feel right otherwise what i have in experience is every boss except last boss in sunwell ''Kil'jaeden'' but later on i have been pugged it. MOP so far the progress is MSV = all bosses in normal mode and stoneguard/feng on heroic..did a try on garajal but our healing wasnt enough so we just kept on doing normals and later on people started to leave/kicked and so on and finding replacements isnt always an easy thing to do. in HOF i have 3/6 bosses down on normal and Terrace its only the 1st one. i forgot to say that in cataclysm both in firelands and dragon soul all bosses got killed in heroic mode ''in the end'' even on this account i am playing on atm but ofc with more nerfs.
Purpose of joining : Purpose of joining is that your progression matches mine and our guild stopped raiding since 1 of our tanks have alot study atm and its not so easy to replace a tank that have been in the guild for over 5 years
Short Guild History : ''Xeon'' is the only guild i have been in since 4-5 years totally and there is ''few really'' good players left here. i have also been in some other guilds before that that i dont even remember the name of.
Computer Specs : Radeon 5850, intel i7 3.07ghz, 16gb ram and my internet connection is 100/100mbit fiber any lags/disconnects like never happens.
About Me : An old ''wolf'' 32 year old from sweden, love having fun, making jokes when raiding and even outside the raid...think i am just a normal older guy that likes world of warcraft ALOT if there is anything more you want to know about me you can always ask me in game or on a voice communication program vent/ts/skype e.t.c
Age : 32
Location : Sweden
Class/Race : Pandaren Female Hunter
Current Spec : Survival since it have been the strongest specc since the launch of MoP together with BM ''BUT'' BM is better on some fights and if needed to respecc/having it as a secondary specc there wont be any problem doing that. and MM just got a buff in 5.1 patch but i havent been trying it out yet...i have just seen alot of PvP players going back to that spec.
Armory : http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/o ... ros/simple ''ive used 1500 justice points to upgrade my gun to 471ilvl and 1500 valor points to upgrade my T14 legs to 504ilvl but armory somehow doesnt show that...IF I EVER GET A NEW BOW/GUN after 1000000 kills then ill upgrade it aswell cause i have 1500 valor left saved otherwise ill just upgrade another item.
Glyphs/talents : Everything depends on wich bossfight it is, if a change will be needed i dont see any problem doing so.
Stat Priority : hit and exp cap ''7.5%'' gemming agi and agi/crit on red/yellow sockets...on blue sockets im gemming agi/hit IF the setbonus is good otherwise just pure agility.
Previous Raid Experience : Well the thing is like this...i have been playing this game since 2 months after the vanilla release BUT its on an account i gave away to my sisters son cause in cataclysm i needed to quit the game totally after so many years due to a job i got ''wich was 14.00-23.00 and i couldnt raid more then 1 week every month i got quite sad about it but thats how life can change sometimes...3-4 months later my working times got back to normal ''07.00-16.00'' and i just said to myself ''i really want to go to the store and buy the game again and level a new hunter'' so i called a friend and we did it with ''RAF'' i was thinking to take my old account back from my sisters son but since im hes uncle it just wouldnt feel right otherwise what i have in experience is every boss except last boss in sunwell ''Kil'jaeden'' but later on i have been pugged it. MOP so far the progress is MSV = all bosses in normal mode and stoneguard/feng on heroic..did a try on garajal but our healing wasnt enough so we just kept on doing normals and later on people started to leave/kicked and so on and finding replacements isnt always an easy thing to do. in HOF i have 3/6 bosses down on normal and Terrace its only the 1st one. i forgot to say that in cataclysm both in firelands and dragon soul all bosses got killed in heroic mode ''in the end'' even on this account i am playing on atm but ofc with more nerfs.
Purpose of joining : Purpose of joining is that your progression matches mine and our guild stopped raiding since 1 of our tanks have alot study atm and its not so easy to replace a tank that have been in the guild for over 5 years
Short Guild History : ''Xeon'' is the only guild i have been in since 4-5 years totally and there is ''few really'' good players left here. i have also been in some other guilds before that that i dont even remember the name of.
Computer Specs : Radeon 5850, intel i7 3.07ghz, 16gb ram and my internet connection is 100/100mbit fiber any lags/disconnects like never happens.
About Me : An old ''wolf'' 32 year old from sweden, love having fun, making jokes when raiding and even outside the raid...think i am just a normal older guy that likes world of warcraft ALOT if there is anything more you want to know about me you can always ask me in game or on a voice communication program vent/ts/skype e.t.c