ICC 25 17/12 20:00
Re: ICC 25 17/12 20:00
Fumla, paladin, dps
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... nd&n=Fumla
http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... nd&n=Fumla
Re: ICC 25 17/12 20:00
'Storming the Citadel (10 Player)' and 'I've Gone and Made a Mess (10 Player)' In the bag.Deathdwarf wrote:Deathdwarf
Holy priest
Tactics can be found at http://www.tankspot.com/forums/f206/ if anyone needs them

Re: ICC 25 17/12 20:00
Paladin Tank, can heal but will prefer rolling prot as MS
Paladin Tank, can heal but will prefer rolling prot as MS
Re: ICC 25 17/12 20:00
Hêrâ Hunter Hell ya i am in for some ICC Fun
looking forward to it.

Re: ICC 25 17/12 20:00
Pulvah, the Shaman healer willingly lends his healing techniques to the forces in the upcoming battle
Edit: I want to book a night of fun and the downing of the first quarter!
Edit: I want to book a night of fun and the downing of the first quarter!