Ok, just to begin - I am going to play Assassination Rogue on Outland and i just started there, but my Main is iLvl 525 Survival hunter on Stormscale - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... lle/simple
I would just want to search for a "social" spot atm but at the same time apply for raiding for later when i am 90 on my rogue
Character Name: Qrit
Level and Class: Lvl 1 Rogue
Preferred Talent Specification: Assassination
Armory Link: Linking my 525 Hunter here since my rogue isnt done http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... lle/simple
Purpose of joining (social or raiding): (Desire for joining as Social atm)
I want to find a warm hearted guild and i got a good reply from one of your guild members when i whispered him/her in-game and asked about the guild.
What is your /played time and achievement points on your main character and any significant alts or previous main characters (please give the names and server of any significant alts or previous mains as well)?
On my TBC Raiding Oldschool lvl 80 Ele shammy i have about 72 days in-game
32 days in-game on my lvl 90 hunter
My achi points is 12480 and i've played since Pre-tbc. Got Feat of str achis from wows 4th anniversary and other fun stuff.
My 90 hunter (Currently "main") - Skyttenille on server Stormscale
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm a kind guy with alot of patience and i play World of Warcraft daily and i am very active in the game.
I do PvP besides from PvE in case the guild has any interest in that
Besides from WoW i play LoL sometimes and some zombie games like Killing Floor or Left for dead 2 =)
Please tell us about your raiding experience (pre-TBC, TBC and WotLK), if you didn't raid then please tell us about any other gaming experiences, be it WoW or other games:
The Burning Crusade
Karazhan Cleared
SSC 5/6
Gruul's Lair cleared
Black temple 5/9 (Guild disbanded unfortunately)
Magtheridon's Lair Cleared
Mount Hyjal - 4/5
Tempest Keep - 3/4
Wrath of the Lich King
Obsidian Sanctum 10/25 - Cleared
Naxx 10+25man - Cleared
Onyxia's Lair 10/25 - Cleared
The Eye of Eternity 25(Malygos) - Cleared
Trial of the Crusader 25man - 4/5
This Expansion i played alot with a IRL guild, we were called "Quantum Satis" On Hellscream
BWD 5/6
BoT 4/4
Dragon Soul HC10 - 6/8
Heart of fear 25man HC - 2/6
MSV 25man HC - 5/6
ToES 25man Normal - 4/4
Throne of Thunder 25 Normal - 11/12
Throne of Thunder 25 Heroic - 2/13
Please tell us what you look for in a guild and what made you decide to apply to The Family Legion:
Mostly because i want to get into PvE Again and continue my progress. And i want to have fun with you guys.
I also really like the guild name!
Apart from PVE I am also a PVP player and would love to do PVP with you guys if u have any RBG grps/5v5s ETC.
If you were in any other guild/guilds before applying to us, why did you leave?
I was part of a guild on the server "Bloodscalp" called "Renegade Legion"
I was raiding end-game cata with them but not for long. Then i came back to them in MoP and raided some months with them, but there was some people i disliked who were cocky and i also left because of the servers rotten popularity, i couldn't get stuff sold on the Auction House etc. I got 2/13 HC 25man ToT with them.
What is your view on progress raiding, raiding for achievements and raiding old content?
My view on progress rating is always bright, i love to kill new stuff that is a real challenge and i love the nerd-screams of every new kill the guild makes!
I'm often up for raiding for achievements since i'm aiming to get 15k achi points at least and i'd like to clear HoF HC/ToES HC and stuff i didn't get full progress on when it was content.
Old content that i already have achievements at i only use to raid if it's on an alt or if i want transmog gear, but if it's a guild run it motivates me more to participate.
We are not a hardcore guild. Which means we do not have as strict attendance requirements and sets IRL stuff first. However this leads to a bigger raid group. Ideally we want a raid group of about 15 people, which means sometimes people have to sit out. To make this fair we have a rotation system based on attendance. A more detailed explanation of the system can be found here. Is a signup system like this acceptable by you?
Yes it is very acceptable. In my WoW experience there has been several times i've had to be "reserve" spot because of overpopulated raids, but i am patient and i accept whatever the leader think the best setup is for progress raids.
We are mainly a swedish guild, a few exceptions though. This means the language used in guildchat and ventrilo tends to be swedish. Ofcourse we all know and can speak english, but question is would it be a problem for you with a large part of conversations being in swedish:
Men vad bra! För jag är svensk med
Undrar dock hur non-swedish folk tar det:D kan tyvärr inte se mig hur engelskt folk uppfattar det:D
Please give any further information which you may be of interest to us and may support your application:
1. I am almost always online
2. I PvP as well! In case anyone does and i'll be up for it
3. I like to clear "old" MoP Raids like HoF HC - ToES HC- that i havent finished
4. I like to help ppl out - incase any1 needs a boost or something related
Assassination Rogue
Re: Assassination Rogue
Tack för en bra apply! Jag kommer kopiera den till officer forum för lite diskussion. Jag ser dock inga problem alls med att ge en social spot. Angående raidspot så är det hyffsat tjockt i raidgruppen nu (förutom healers), men när sommaren närmar sig med stora steg och med rogues nuvarande standing hade det inte varit fel med en sådan i gruppen. Enklast är det nog att ta diskussionen igen när du är på lvl 90 och har börjat få upp ilvl
Tack för en bra apply! Jag kommer kopiera den till officer forum för lite diskussion. Jag ser dock inga problem alls med att ge en social spot. Angående raidspot så är det hyffsat tjockt i raidgruppen nu (förutom healers), men när sommaren närmar sig med stora steg och med rogues nuvarande standing hade det inte varit fel med en sådan i gruppen. Enklast är det nog att ta diskussionen igen när du är på lvl 90 och har börjat få upp ilvl