Application: Cenah - Rogue

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Application: Cenah - Rogue

Post by Cenah » 11 Mar 2012 16:53

Character Name: Cenah.
Level and Class: 85Worgen rogue.
Preferred Talent Specification: I preffer playing as combat because that Is the spec I have been playing almost all of cataclysm, I did try some assasination in 4.0 but I didnt really enjoy it that much, I got a sub spec for pvp.
Armory Link: ... nah/simple
Purpose of joining (social or raiding): I want join your raiding team. But I also like smalltalking about everything and nothing.

What is your /played time and achievement points on your main character and any significant alts or previous main characters (please give the names and server of any significant alts or previous mains as well)? My played time on this character is 42days in 85 and 46days total(This guy was made the same day cataclysm was released) I got 7245 acheivement points (if that matters) The character I got the most achievement points are on my warrior named "Besökaren" he was my main in wrath and got the [Over ninethousand] acheivement in 3.3 he is currently at 10320.
Other alts are a dk named Ophir, shaman named Iwoto and a warlock named Sneob but none of those got any intresting acheivements.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself:Well about myself, my name is Ricky, im 20years old live in Stockholm, working as a construction worker apprentice, have always loved video games, rpgs and strategy, alot of people think that my combination of construction working and games is a little odd but I think its fine. I have been playing wow since midd 2005 and been active in raiding since midd 2006 without any longer breaks then 1-2months.

Please tell us about your raiding experience (pre-TBC, TBC and WotLK), if you didn't raid then please tell us about any other gaming experiences, be it WoW or other games:My experiense in raiding content is pretty much everything, However I didnt do that much vanilla naxx (in vanilla :P cleared it in 70) Never reached sunwell before the 3.0 nerfs but except from that I have seen and done almost everything that can be done. I Have been in daemonicus for more then 5years now seen it all with them but nothing lasts forever.

Please tell us what you look for in a guild and what made you decide to apply to The Family Legion: what I want in a guild is a strong base, friendly but serious people at the same time understandable officers/gm that wont get angry and yell on people without purpose. I have seen these strong raiding guild that can so easily fall apart because the officers was to hotheaded. One bit flaw with hardcore guilds is when ever progress is stopped the intend to blame everything on eachother, start hating and eventualy break up, What I search is a guild that is capable of surviving a few weeks without progress without breaking apart. Other than that I barely dont know anything about you except from first kill videos I have watched.

If you were in any other guild/guilds before applying to us, why did you leave? I have not yet left daemonicus, because even though whats left of the onces strong guild is a player base of not the greatest players they are still great people. The thing that happend to daemonicus that literaly shattered it was half of the guild leaving to seak out a more hardcore way of raiding, after 6weeks without progress they had enough and just quited in the middle of the day leaving the rest of the guild shocked.

What is your view on progress raiding, raiding for achievements and raiding old content?I like raiding because I get the feeling of acomplishment when you have progressed on something thats hard and finnaly killing it. achievements are something that I really dont care that much for overall, other than when they accualy give something like mounts of titles. Old content is sometimes funny to run if you underman them, lets say doing old naxx 25 on 7-8ppl or icc25 on 14-15 but other then that I show almost no intrest in them.

We are mainly a swedish guild, a few exceptions though. This means the language used in guildchat and ventrilo tends to be swedish. Ofcourse we all know and can speak english, but question is would it be a problem for you with a large part of conversations being in swedish: I am swedish, been born in sweden and lived here my whole life, I think my english is decent (up to you to decide when you read this :P)
PS: This was not a question but I thought it was good to bring up anyways, I have both ventrilo/teamspeak and a mick, however for some reason my computer doesnt work with skype so thats something I cant have/use.

/cheers Cenah.

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Re: Application: Cenah - Rogue

Post by Bertus » 11 Mar 2012 17:22

Thank you for a great apply. I would say your English is above the decent level =). I also want to inform you that we use Mumble for voice speaking. I have moved the application to the Officer forum.

However, I just wanted to inform you that we have just yesterday agreed to recruit a rogue (accompanied by a warlock). And when they transfer over our rogue spot will probably be filled. But until they in fact have transferred I'll keep this apply open.

What we can offer beyond that is a social/backup-raider spot. But I'm not sure that is what you are searching for.

Thanks for a great a apply and best regards,

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Re: Application: Cenah - Rogue

Post by litenocharg » 11 Mar 2012 19:28

Liked the apply, well written and informative
Life is a bitch and so are you

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Posts: 1897

Re: Application: Cenah - Rogue

Post by Bertus » 17 Mar 2012 18:55


We liked your application very much, and If we wouldn't have just recently accepted a rogue it would have been no question whether to accept or not.

But, as we already recently accepted a rogue we cannot offer a raider spot. The only thing we can offer is a social/backups spot. If you are interested in such membership please whisper any officer.

Best Regards,
